We offer the following training sessions for your staff by arrangement to help keep them up to date with how to operate any system or hardware installed by us.
Your staff represent a weak point in your security. Phishing emails and fake calls attempt to manipulate your staff to gain access to your network. We cover topics such as creating secure passwords, how to spot and avoid phishing emails and websites, identifying fake calls, what to do if you get infected, and more. We have had tremendous feedback from these sessions.

Remote hands
The remote hands training is intended to help your staff to help us, and ultimately help themselves and your practice. We show them how to identify the key parts of your IT infrastructure and what all the various elements do: the server, the switches, the Internet connection equipment. We also cover recognising other IT connections and equipment, including the various network and power cables, peripherals etc.

Basic troubleshooting and IT skills
This training covers some basic skills that will give your staff some self-help techniques for avoiding IT frustrations. We cover the basics from starting up and shutting down correctly, to file handling, email, printing and scanning problems, and what to do with blue screens and error messages.

Have a project in mind?
Dental IT offer a free of charge, no commitment, remote audit to any dental practice. To contact us about this, or get a quote for support, or for any other enquiry, please complete this form and we will contact you back.